
Saturday, November 4, 2023


When we woke up the morning of Friendsgiving, the smoke from the fires was awful. Thankfully the sky cleared and we couldn't have asked for a better day to gather with our friends. We love this annual tradition and it just keeps growing. This year Keith and Anita left before the group picture, but we managed to get all 38 others. From left to right (sort of)... Brooke, Faelyn, Lesa, Danika, Mac, Cameron, Kalette, Paisley, Kinzey, Shellie, Brian, Pattie, Don, Drew, Laura, Chris, Gabriel, Lucas, Haley, Aria, Josh, Donna, Ben, Ashton, Arthur, Bonnie, Benjamin, Dave, Emily, Perry, Eric, Me, Landon, Abby holding Scully, Ella Claire, Keira, Amanda, Chad and Luke. We had a great turn out and an even better time together!

Waiting for everyone to arrive. Staying warm by the new stove. It does a great job at that!

Papaw and D won't be able to make it back up for his birthday so they went ahead and brought his gift with them. The red ryder BB gun is a most for every 7 year old boy! He was beyond excited and has not put it down yet. Gotta make sure all these girls are well protected!
Waiting for all their friends to arrive.
EEk!! I have 40 matching plate chargers. I asked Donna, Lesa and Granny T to bring whatever chargers they had, and I would add them to the ones I have, and we'd probably have enough. It would just be a hodge podge and one day I would get matching ones. Well, Donna surprised me with these beauties, and I officially have enough matching charges. They made the table look so purdy! 

The food was insane! Everyone really brought their A game and we had soooooo much food. It reminded me of a 5th Sunday dinner at church. The stove kept everything warm that needed to stay warm, and everything was just delicious! 

Lesa brought a ton of food and her CAMERA!! She knows how much I love pictures and I am so thankful for her!! The pictures are wonderful.

Emily and Abby


The kids table was outside the feasting hall close to the bridge that leads to Terabithia. They were up and down and all over. It worked out perfectly.
Silly faces are a must.

Me trying to get a group selfie. It just wasn't working as well as I'd have liked, but I think you can see everyone between all the pictures. It was awesome to have everyone there for a sit-down meal.

My last attempt was panoramic. Look at all those smiling faces! And the sunshine too. It got up to 70*, the smoke cleared, and we really couldn't have asked for better weather. We decided to do the gathering at the beginning of November this year instead of the middle or end and I'm so glad we did. I think the first week will stick to celebrate Friendsgiving each year.

Emily and Abby both made their dresses and they made sure to wear them for today! They did an amazing job with the dresses and are just too cute. I've got some talented girls!
Keira in her new Scottish dress. Cutie!! I knew I should have made EC wear hers!

We made several attempts to get just the right photo. It's hard to get everyone looking the right direction and to have their eyes open at the same time!

Ben and Donna's crew. I'm so glad both Brian and Laura made it up this year.

With Brian's girlfriend Shellie added to the mix. She's a trooper. The next morning they drug her up to the very top of the mountain. It's quite a haul and she made it. So did Ashton!

Our little crew!

Pop and Nonna's crew! 

Mac and Lesa's crew.

Chad and Amanda's crew.

These girls are just the cutest friends!

Mac and Landon

Abby and Emily wanted to do a couple of civil war era party dances this year. (Well, the dances go back further than that.) They weren't sure how they were going to pull it off, but they did! They enlisted all the kiddos and a couple of the men to get it going. They had a blast teaching to moves and seeing the kids smile. It went really well, and I think it will be a must every year as well. Thanks to Mac and Pop for being good sports and dancing with all the little ladies. They did the Virginia Reel and a Polka.

The Hay Clan Sheild corn hole boards were put to good use as well.

Emily gave Landon a little needed trim.

Who doesn't love a good leaf pile? What a great wat to wrap up the afternoon. The kids had a blast throwing leaves at each other and it made for some great shots with some authentic smiles!

Love this one of Keira!

He couldn't hang any longer. He made me promise if he fell asleep that I would make sure he didn't get left in the feasting hall for the night. 
It was a great day! It always goes by way too fast and you feel like you didn't get to talk to everyone, but man are the memories sweet. The feasting hall was only posts and seals last year so it was really excting to have our first Friendsgiving in the hall. We were missing a few people, but we know it's hard to get everyone in one place all at the same time. Not that we aren't tryng though! Another one for the books and I have to say it's been the best Friendsgiving yet. We are truly blessed.


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