
Sunday, December 4, 2022

New Pedal Bikes

These two are so funny. They got their balance bikes earlier this year and just took off with them. Balance bikes are definitely the way to learn how to handle a bicycle. Of course, they were itching to move up to the next step of pedals as soon as possible. I told them they'd have to get really good on the balance bikes and then we'd move to pedals. They rode the balance bikes nearly every day they could. So after a few months, Carolyn surprised them with these. They were completely surprised and had no idea they'd get these so soon. They wobbled a tiny bit and then took off like they'd been riding bikes for years. They never would have done that if it hadn't been for the balance bikes. Forget training wheels! They absolutely love their new pedal bikes and have even gone out in the cold and rain to ride them. Man, Carolyn must love these kiddos. 
EC said, "Mama, I have a laptop, a pedal bike and a loose tooth, I really am a big kid now!"


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