
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Around the house in November

The VFW asked Perry to be in the Veteran's Day parade this year. He agreed and thought everyone would be marching so he lined up to march. Well, everyone else jumped in their trucks and drove the whole way. He and one other were the only ones walking. Needless to say, Perry was not a happy camper and probably won't participate again. He did however make it to Instagram though. lol

Abby, The Highland Herbalist, was featured in the local paper called the Cherokee Scout, for her tincture class with the Ladies Homestead Gathering Group.

Abby happy to have Hoogie home and Hoogie very happy to be home.

EC styling as she heads out to piano lessons.

And this is what happens when I leave my phone unattended!

Ben Ben is all about building with whatever materials are around.

View from the top of the hay barn.

New drawing pads! Lots of new white paper to fill up! Thanks Aunt Carolyn.


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