
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thanksgiving at the outfitter

Thanksgiving at the outfitter was a little different this year as we invited both friends and family. Eric shared his mom's dressing recipe and it actually turned out pretty good. I've got a few years of practice ahead of me to get it just right, but I'm certainly willing to try.
Deviled eggs.

Chocolate pie. Yum!

Getting peppers cut for the dressing and I find this. Of course I had to take a picture.

Cornbread for the dressing.

Just beautiful in the dish Perry and the girls got for me. Perfect fall color too.

Smoked turkey.

It was a beautiful day to celebrate and eat outside. Everything was delicious and the company was fantastic. From top to bottom, left to right... Jaybo, Eric, Perry holding Ella Claire, Jason, Pop holding Benjamin, Nonna, Keri holding Jase, Abby, Jenna, Emily holding Scully and Me.

After we carved the turkey I put it in the crock and simmered it down for some yummy smoked turkey bone broth. This stuff is amazing to freeze and add an ice cube or two to flavor soups in the winter. Bonus that it's extremely healthy and healing for you too!


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