
Monday, August 3, 2020

Moving to NC trip 2!

Bless his little heart. We didn't even get to the gas station before he was out! We crammed stuff in the car everywhere around him. This trip Perry drove the Suburban with Emily and Ella Claire while I drove the Subaru with Abby, Benjamin and Scully.

Marnay couldn't hold her eyes open either.

Dang, even Scully passed out on me.

North Carolina line again!

Look I really was there too!
Next right, Andrews!
There were actually 3 trips made. I didn't go on the second one so there were no pictures. That trip was Steve driving the 26 foot U-haul, Perry driving the Suburban, Ben and Emily with his truck and trailer carrying the tractor and John Williams with his truck carrying the tractor implements. There trip was the most exciting for sure. Not only did the run into a horrible thunderstorm, but someone backed the U-Haul into the big hole at the bottom of the driveway. They had to call a wrecker service to come rescue the truck. It all turned out fine in the end, but I'm kind of glad I wasn't on that trip with them.


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