
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Family kayaking trip before the season starts

The weather was beautiful and the water level was calling us to it. Why not take the time for a perfect trip down the creek? Pop kept the littles so the 4 of us could enjoy the day. What a great day to remind us of the season ahead and to relax a little before it begins.

We ventured to the other side of the waterfall this trip. It was beautiful and nice until.....

someone tried to paddle across and her boat filled up with water!

She then bailed from the water logged boat and had to pull the boat to shore. Of course it would be one of the deeper areas along the trail.

Poor thing. All we could do was cheer her on and laugh a little.

Perry quickly jumped out of his boat to the rocks and started a fire to get her warmed up.

I just happened to have packed a towel. I wasn't expecting to use it for this though.

She tried to dry her pants out a little. We all loaned her a piece of  our clothing and we managed to cover most of her. Bless her little heart. It wasn't ideal, but it was a good experience to see what to do in a situation like that.

She says she takes better pictures when she's not looking directly at the camera.

She wasn't in too bad a shape by the end of the trip. We all laughed the rest of the way back. Emily went straight in for a hot shower.


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