
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Outfitter updates

With less than a month to go before we officially open, we had to have a new sign at the road to let everyone know. Big shout out to Chris Meads for making this sign exactly how we envisioned it. We wanted a state park feel and he nailed it. He also made all of our campsite signs.
Campsite 2. We had to test it out before we had actual campers!

We took Keri and Jason out for a trip too. It's such a tough job. 

I tested out the rental boats before we sent them out.

The waterfall!

The kids play area tree house is almost done!

I never take selfies, but I thought this was a cute one so yeah.

These two play so well together.

Got the posters laminated and Perry built frames for them.

I think these lights are my favorite part about the whole outfitter deal. 

My little office helpers ready to help.

Perry built the stands for the campsite signs. Now to get them in the ground.

The van and the trailer at the put in.

Benjamin loves riding on the four wheeler.

They will both run to ride on the four wheeler if they hear it.

Just because she's so darn cute!

Our cute little stand Perry made for the sign at the take out.

Campsite 2 is directly across from the take out. We have been using this spot ourselves as a picnic area while we're at the the creek. It's been perfect for birthdays, mother's and father's day celebrations and just any time we want to hang out and get together at the creek.


Perry and the girls set up camp so I could take pictures for the website and Facebook.

Campsite 1 is down the trail behind the outfitter office. It is our original family hang out and camping spot. It's not as secluded as the other sights, but I'm sure others will love it too!


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