
Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Party ballet style!

 One more thing I love about our new dance studio.....they have parties!!!
The girls had a blast dressing up to go to ballet class last week. They danced for the first half of class and partied the second half. Everyone brought a treat to share, it was quite nice!

I do have to admit something here though.....sigh. October has been a really busy month for us and the days started to get a little jumbled. Sooo, Mommy may have gotten the day for the party wrong. That's right Mommy sent the girls to the dance studio in their costumes treats in hand a whole.week.early. I think I was more embarrassed than they were thankfully. Daddy laughed and laughed and made sure to tell the girls it wouldn't be the last time one of their parents embarrassed them. At least it wasn't a week late!

Phew....had to get that off my chest! ;) Thankfully they had their regular ballet clothes with them and were able to quickly change for class. Here are a few pictures from the correct party day!

 My "Scottish" princesses.
(Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots)

 Little Bit and her tap, jazz and ballet class.

 Little Bit's class saying the blessing before stinkin' cute!

 Waiting for all her goodies!

 The grand ballet party table.


 Miss Priss's ballet class.


 Ready to dig in.

 Another grand ballet party table.

 Miss Priss and her buddy from school that's also in her ballet class. They were both beautiful victorian princesses.

We are very much so loving dance class this year! The girls are doing a great job and I can't wait to see their performances at the end of the year!

1 comment:

Granny T said...

I'm glad we got a little peek into their ballet classes. They all looked great in their costumes & seemed to be enjoying themselves.