
Saturday, July 13, 2019


This season has been crazy good so far! We've made it through the grand opening event, the whole month of June and the 4th of July. Wow there are a lot of people that like to kayak and we are grateful for it. The water levels are dropping and starting to get into some lower summer levels, but I've found if you warn people about it they are just fine and have a great time when they know what to expect. 

Tank tops are in and they are already gone! Big hit.

We're planning our very first musical event at BCCO. It's gonna be amazing.

This group had a blast. This is what the take out looks like when they come down to bring the boats back for the next group of people. I've got to start telling people to grab their paddles and PFDs and bring them back to the office with them. 

Chaco's!! Abby and Emily needed some proper outfitter style shoes! GO had the perfect pair for each girl on their CLEARANCE table. I couldn't believe it. Perfect sizes and perfect colors for each of them. Not that these are good for moving boats, but they are super cute and great for your feet when they stay wet all day. No dropping boats...Ouch!

The golf cart was in major need of some TLC. This year it got a facelift with new seat covers and new tires. It looks so much better. One of our loyal customers fixed us up on the covers!

I swear this is what the radar shows EVERY time it rains. We need some rain on that poor little blue dot too! 

My teacher buddy Hollie came to visit and brought her whole crew plus some!

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