
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Abby turns 16!

Another year has passed. I know I say it every year, but it's still hard to believe my oldest is getting so old. I couldn't ask for a better teenager. She's smart, funny, caring, loving, talented and all the rest. Happy Sweet 16 Abigail Brooke!

Emily baked her a cheesecake.

Mama cooked her traditional biscuit and gravy breakfast.

EC wanted her picture made with the birthday girl.

Pop and Nonna brought Abby her favorite Chinese food for lunch as well as her birthday gift, her 
low D Irish whistle! 

More food!! Her favorite corned beef and cabbage for dinner.

We officially have a licensed driver. Good job Abby!!

Abby took a fiber arts class last semester where she learned the basics of knitting, crocheting, sewing and embroidery. Of course she excelled in them all! She wanted to continue with her knitting so she and I made a trip to Gadsden to the Taming of the Ewe yarn and tea shop. She bought some nice merino wool yarn that her Daddy would like and asked the ladies there to help her make a hat. They helped her get started and she was finished with the bulk of the hat in no time! Perry and I took her back to the shop to learn how to finish the hat. The ladies were so impressed with her that they took a picture of the final hat on Perry with Abby and put it on their facebook page. He loves his hat by the way!!!    


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