
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stone Mtn Scottish Festival

This year's festival was not all we thought it would be. Hearing the bagpipes and seeing all the cool scottish stuff is wonderful, but the weather was MISERABLE!! It was cold (about 55*) and wet all day. It wasn't pouring, but it was drizzling enough to just make you want to scream. So I wasn't able to use the camera very much. Trying to use the umbrella, camera and change the lenses all at the same time was nearly impossible. Oh well.....better luck next time. I'm sure there will be many more scottish festivals in our future! Here are a few pics from the day.

A did not want to stand next to Robert de Bruce, so this was the best that we could do!!

The Clan Hay booth.

The entrance to the park. All of the bagpipe bands were lined up here practicing before they went in to perform.

One of the many bagpipe bands performing.

A bagpiper.

Byron with P's new deer antler knife.

Papaw and A. Check out Papaw's new hat!! It looks great on him!!

The falconry exhibit. These birds were really cool to see. They were absolutely beautiful. P would like to get into this one day!

                The coos (cows for us Americans). The scottish pronouce it coos. These were highland cattle that are orginally from Scotland. The calf was only 2 weeks old.

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